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Worry stones are used to reduce stress and temper anxiety. Hold the worry stone between index finger and thumb and gently move your thumb back and forth over the stone. This stimulates the hand nerves that reduce stress. It is a natural calming aid. Native American peoples had a habit of passing on their worry stones to the younger generation, thus preserving a sense of belonging


Lapis lazuli (Spiritual development, honest communication and being yourself) is a stone of wisdom, enlightenment and insight. The stone stimulates harmonious relationships and friendships. It makes social and compassionate, calms anger and irritation and promotes clear and honest communication. Physically, lapis Lazuli has a cooling, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and blood pressure lowering. It has a positive effect on the throat, larynx, vocal cords, thyroid gland, hearing, eyes, skin, heart rhythm, blood circulation, nervous system, brain, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, migraines, depression, ADHD and autism.

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ongeveer 4 cm

Worry stone Lapis Lazuli

€ 7,95Prijs
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